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  1. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Well, first we kill all the lawyers. That's about 1,000,000 right there. :)
  2. Heyesey

    Heyesey Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2008

    What will the alternative be? Voting for the people that you're accusing him of not having stopped?
  3. Heyesey

    Heyesey Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2008
    If you'd given no money in foreign aid in the last ten years, your deficit would be less than one per cent smaller than it is.
  4. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    The Tea Party are a bunch of liars and deceivers. Their campaign ads were financed by corporations and they've done nothing but try to make things easier on the corporations.
  5. Heyesey

    Heyesey Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2008
    Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. (I don't get to follow American politics as closely as you obviously would.) Maybe the bill should have focused on raising taxes. Maybe on cutting spending.

    What bothers me is that everyone's arguing over who got the best end of this deal, and nobody is noticing that this deal means you'll be right back here in an even bigger hole and an even worse mess, before very long.

    You've been trying to get out of the hole by making it deeper, almost every year since 2000. How long before you all run out of spades?
  6. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    They're trying to reduce or eliminate every important reform or program of the past 100 years.

    That's what matters. They hold us all hostage and this is the bullshit "compromise" they come up with.

    Everybody knows why we're in this hole. This will just make it worse.
  7. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    It always amazes me that people who are always blowing off about foreign aid never bother to look at the actual numbers. It's not like they're hard to find.

  8. Heyesey

    Heyesey Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2008

    That's going to happen anyway. You're going to go bankrupt and not be able to afford those programs whether you vote for them or not.

    Not having any money is your problem. It really doesn't matter a bent fig who wasted it. You need to put the plug in the bottom of the sink. Obama's plan to solve this crises, the Republican's plan to solve this crisis, the compromise Bill being voted on to solve this crisis ... ALL of them intend to solve the crisis by making the goddam hole bigger. They're all as useless as each other.
  9. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
    When will people realize that foreign aid is an economic driver? Like welfare, it stabilizes relationships and enables the disadvantaged to flourish and possibly become advantaged trading partners in the future.

    Without foreign aid super powers like the US would be held accountable for unfair trading practices (like they are anyway ... but more) and standing idly by while allowing the wealthy to vanquish the economies of poorer nations around the world.

    Thanks to relationships built through foreign aid, the US has more allies than enemies. Even during this attoricious war effort.
  10. BustyFan1

    BustyFan1 Porn Surfer

    Aug 1, 2011
    Congress saves its collective butts

    Debt crisis averted..think so? Yes, the gov. didn't shut down, BFD, the big issues it seems are being saved till the elections and then we'll see who starts hitting who over the head with them first. Frankly, I wonder how the military could do running this place? Oh, not forever, I had a relative that signed the Constitution and DOI in 1776 and 1781, so I'm not in favor of total anarchy but it might get our butts back in line with what is really important in running a country.:eek::eek::eek:
  11. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Well, the House of Representatives passed the bill.


    I had to laugh, though, at Joe Biden saying that now they can get back to work on addressing the jobs issue. Yeah, Joe, good luck with that, now that you've bought into the right-wing mantra that eliminating the deficit is the top priority, and will magically create jobs.
  12. WhaWhaWha

    WhaWhaWha Registered Self Abuser

    Jul 17, 2007
    John Hancock?
    Hans Johncock?
  13. Heyesey

    Heyesey Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2008
    Eliminating the deficit IS the highest priority. Whatever you thought money should have been spent on this year, you've got less money to spend on it next year because you're further in debt and paying more interest. And we'll have this debate again. And if your politicians continue to be too gutless to actually call a halt, sooner or later the outside world will call a halt for you. And your expenditure on whatever it was you thought money should be spent on, will be effectively nothing.

    You don't have a choice that avoids crippling people. You either cripple them a lot now, or you cripple them a hell of a lot MORE further down the line. Choose. So far, teabaggers Democrats, moderates and everybody is choosing the bigger problem and the worse pain.
  14. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Nonsense. None of them are serious about dealing with the deficit as long as they insist on keeping the top tax rate this low. That's what makes liars out of all of them.

    Plus, there's absolutely no recognition that these are special circumstances. We are still in the midst of an economic catastrophe, and it requires stimulus. It's exactly the WRONG time to make deep spending cuts.
  15. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
  16. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    Actually, it does matter, and I'll tell you why.

    When Bush took office in 2000, there was a surplus. Him and his cronies put us in this hole. Now the same exact type of people are making it worse while trying to get rid of reforms and programs that were put in place after the Depression or to stave off Global Warming or protect water supplies or eco-systems, all so their friends can make more money which means more money in their pockets.

    Their bullshit is the reason we're in this position and the reason it will most definitely get worse, and people just keep bending over for them.

    I voted for change.. not two years of possibilities (and the Democrats with the mandate being pussies) and then a complete 180 back to the same bullshit. It's my generation and the ones after it who are going to deal with this the most, not any before mine.
  17. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    See? You're not serious about addressing the deficit either.
  18. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    CUT, CAP AND BALANCE,,that's how serious I am about it.
  19. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Yup. Not serious. Because you will NEVER GET TO A BALANCED BUDGET if you take revenue off the table. You guys love these gimmicks where you never have to say what you're going to cut, but real governing requires that you do.
  20. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    I'm against this ''super committee'' I think it's a crock of shit. I'm not against revenue increases either, add 5% of the unemployed to the job market, you'll get revenue increase immediately, along with adjusting the tax codes,,change hedge funds from capital gains to personal income,,,another revenue increase...